Photo of Silver, Abbi
Silver, Abbi
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Personal Website
http://www.abbisilver.comThis candidate has not submitted a personal website.
I am the only judge to have presided at every level.This candidate has not submitted a statement.
Abbi Silver is the only judge in the history of Nevada to have presided at every level of Nevada's court system; namely, the municipal, justice, district, and appellate courts. Out of 38 applications, she was appointed by Nevada's Governor and the Commission on Judicial Selection to the Court of Appeals of Nevada in 2015. She began her career by serving as a judicial law clerk District Judge Earle White, Jr., from 1989 to 1990. Later, she served as a deputy District Attorney from 1990 to 1994. S ...This candidate has not submitted a description.
Silver Appointed To Gaming Commission
Las Vegas Review Journal   
Apr 18, 2024
Silver Appointed To Gaming Commission
Nevada Current 
Apr 18, 2024
Judge Mary Perry
Other, Feb 17, 2021
7 0   286 views, 0 comments

Jason Stoffel opens up the ceremony for District Court Judge Mary Perry's investiture. District Court Judge Rhonda Forsberg swears her in, after which Judge Perry touches on the moments that ultimately led to her election to Department P of the Eighth Judicial District Court. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

In the Matter of The Honorable Rena Hughes
Hearing, Dec 2, 2019
136 5   12365 views, 109 comments

Justices Mark Gibbons, Lidia Stiglich, James Hardesty, Elissa Cadish, Ronald Parraguirre, Kristina Pickering, and Abbi Silver, Supreme Court of Nevada, presiding over an appeal from the imposition of judicial discipline. Appearing for District Judge Rena Hughes is Daniel Marks and Nicole Young. Appearing for the Commission on Judicial Discipline is Thomas C. Bradley and Paul Deyhle. Case No. 76117. Matter taken under submission. You can join as a member by clicking this link here: For inquiries, feel free to contact us through

Las Vegas Attorney Named To Silver's Vacancy
The Nevada Independent 
Nov 21, 2022

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