Photo of Tao, Jerome T
Tao, Jerome T
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Tao Raises Just Over $60,000, Next-Highest In Fundraising From Jan 1 To May 18May 26, 2018  Las Vegas Review Journal
Tao Mentioned As Judge Cadish Launches First Ads In Race For Open State Supreme Court SeatMay 15, 2018The Nevada Independent
Tao Criticized Over Stance On Controversial Issue, Judicial Ethics CitedMay 8, 2018KNPR
Tao Rules With Panel In Overturning Judge Denton's Order Allowing Public To View Secret Of Magician IllusionApr 27, 2018The Seattle Times
Supreme Court Hopeful, Tao, Scrubs Ties To Harry ReidMar 24, 2018  Las Vegas Review Journal
Tao 1 Of Several Running For Retiring Judge Cherry's SeatMar 16, 2018  Reno Gazette Journal
Tao 1 Of 5 Candidates Filing To Replace Judge CherryFeb 5, 2018News 4
Tao One Of Five Vying For Retiring Judge Douglas' SeatFeb 5, 2018KTNV
Tao Among 5 Vying To Replace Retiring Judge CherryFeb 5, 2018News 4
Tao Enters Heated Race Against 4 For Supreme Court SeatFeb 3, 2018  Las Vegas Review Journal
Tao One Of Five Involved In Supreme Court RaceFeb 3, 2018  Las Vegas Review Journal
Tao One Of Five Vying For Supreme Court SeatJan 19, 2018Sierra Sun
Tao One Of Five Vying For Supreme Court SeatJan 18, 2018Nevada Appeal
Tao Seeking Open Supreme Court SeatJan 17, 2018Tahoe Daily Tribune
Judge Tao And Lefebvre Join Race Against Judge Aberasturi For Seat On State Supreme CourtJan 12, 2018  Las Vegas Sun
Tao Facing 4 Challengers For Supreme Court SeatJan 12, 2018Nevada Appeal
Tao Questions Inaction When Misconduct Suspected During Underlying DiscoveryNov 16, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
Election A Done Deal For TaoOct 29, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal
2020 General Election Guide: Jerome TaoAug 11, 2016KNPR
Tao Draws Just 1 OpponentJan 28, 2016  Las Vegas Review Journal

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